Sky News – Apr 27, 2017

Professor Heino Falcke, from Radboud University and member of the Event Horizon Telescope team, explains what a black hole is and what we can expect to see from the experiment on Sky News.

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Al Jazeera News: Science & Technology – 13 April 2017

Over the past week, astronomers have trained a network of telescopes around the world at a single point at the centre of our galaxy to finally catch a glimpse of a black hole.

For five days, eight telescopes will point at one small spot in the constellation of Sagittarius termed Sagittarius A.

Years of observations have revealed that Sagittarius A is likely the super-massive black hole at the center of our galaxy, and now these telescopes are working together to get the very first picture of it.

Observing a black hole is not easy. It’s surrounded by a large cloud of dust and gas that’s impervious to most light. The telescopes that are making this most recent effort rely on radio waves in the narrow frequencies that can penetrate the dense nebulae around the black hole.

We are joined live from Granada by Heino Falcke, a professor of radio astronomy and astroparticle physics at the Radboud University, to discuss the latest updates.

Original article published in Al Jazeera

Using a massive telescope network, scientists have data in hand that could open new frontiers in our understanding of gravity.

Radio Star: A closer view of the central region of the Milky Way, where our galaxy’s supermassive black hole resides. (Photograph by NRAO, AUI, NSF)

ALMA joins the Global Millimeter VLBI Array (GMVA) and the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT)

The Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) joins for the first time the Global mm-VLBI Array (GMVA) and the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT), Earth-sized virtual observatories, which are made possible by an international collaboration of radio telescopes. One of the main drivers of this global collaboration is to study in detail the supermassive black hole at the center of our Milky Way. The GMVA will derive the properties of the accretion and outflow in the immediate surroundings of the Galactic Center, while the EHT will aim at imaging, for the very first time, the shadow of the black hole’s event horizon.

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